Do it. Fuck me, Mr. M.
Fuck me!
Fuck me hard, Mr. McAllister.
Harder! Harder!
Fuck me, Mr. McAllister.
Fuck me hard!
Harder! Fuck me! Please!
Jim: So like I was saying,
things were going
pretty well in my life.
That is, until things
started going all hay wire
with that damn election.
Boy, Haltingly:
I love Carver High.
And I will be a dedicated
vice president.
A vote for Jerry Slavin is
a vote for good government.
And even if l can't really
stand up for you, I will.
Thank you.
Thank you,Jerry.
Thank you and good luck.
Again, Jerry is running
unopposed for vice president.
So, we'll move on now
to the presidential race
with 3 candidates running.
The first,
in alphabetical order,
is Tracy Flick.
Poet Henry David Thoreau
once wrote,
"I cannot make my days longer,
so I strive to make them better."
With this election,
we here at Carver
also have an opportunity
to make our
high school days better.
During this campaign,
I've spoken with many of you
about your many concerns.
I spoke with Eliza Ramirez,
a freshman who said
she feels alienated
from her own home room.
I spoke with sophomore Reggie Banks
who said his mother works
in the cafeteria
and can't afford to buy him
enough spiral notebooks
for his classes.
Eat me!
Eat me raw!
All right, now.
Hey, ifyou can't be adults
and give these candidates
the courtesy they deserve,
then you don't deserve to be
called adults but children
because that's what children are,
and you'll be treated like children.