Oh, hi, Tammy.
What do you want?
Well, I went to all your teachers
and got your assignments for you.
I--I just thought, you know,
Iast time you got suspended
you fell so far behind,
and I just didn't want
to see that happen again.
Thanks, Paul. Thanks a lot.
Sure. You bet.
Now could you leave me alone?
Oh, yeah. Um,
Tammy, there's just
one other thing.
You know all
this election stuff,
'cause everybody's
saying it's really weird
that you're running against me
and everything,
and it is kind of weird.
You haven't really told me
why you're doing it
and you didn't
tell me in advance,
but that's OK.
I respect your privacy,
it's just...
I want you to know
that no matter who wins,
you or me,
there's no hard feelings.
We're still brother
and sister, OK,
even though you're adopted,
'cause I hope you feel the same.
Tracy: What happened
at the speeches
was an unconscionable travesty.
That little bitch Tammy Metzler
wanted to make a fool out of me.
Well, it wasn't gonna work.
Ifall those students
who cheered for Tammy Metzler
only knew how hard
I worked for Carver,
Iike all the late nights
I spend at the year book office
just to give them
their stinking memories.
One of my duties was
to clean up the group photos.
It was a cinch
with our new software.
People are so ungrateful.