[ Speaking In Latin ]
[ Latin ]
[ Speaking in Latin ]
- Here she is.
- [ Baby Coos ]
All fresh and clean.
[ Chuckles ]
- You thought of a name for her yet ?
- Christine.
Her name is Christine.
Happy birthday,
[ Man ]
WBAZ time is 8:06.
Three more nights, New York.
Three more nights left in the century.
Three more nights left
in the millennium.
Three more nights
until every computer fails.
Three more nights
until the biggest celebration
in the history of this city...
starts in Times Square.
Where will you be ?
[ Man ]Hey, Bobby, come over here.
Something weird's going on.
- What do you got there, Charlie ?
- I don't know.
- Pressure's climbing?off the gauge.
- [ Rumbling ]
[ Alarm Blaring ]
[ Shouting ]