No lock? No security?
You're not casing the joint already, are you?
This way.
Oh, wow!
Shall we?
Oh, my God.
- This is quite a collection.
- Thank you.
Only contemporary art?
- You sound surprised.
- No, it's just not what I expected.
Where are the suits of armour
and crossed swords?
Up in the attic. Whiskey?
Sure. I'd love one.
Is all this paid for?
- With blood. Cheers.
- To the mask.
- I'll show you to your room.
- Who else do you bring here?
- That's sad.
- Why?
Well, to have something like this
and not share it with anyone.
I don't need to share it with anyone.
Most people buy art to show it off.
I collect art for me.
Your room's this way.
Good night, then.
- But it's still early.
- Yes, we have an early start.
But I'm not tired!
Where do you sleep?
Just in case I need anything.
- May I ask you something?
- Sure.
Has there ever been anyone you couldn't
manipulate, beguile, or seduce?