is the most...
beautiful part!
- I mailed it.
- No!
I put it down their own mail chute.
effective... safe.
That's very clever.
Nope. Not clever.
It was perfect!
Absolutely unbelievable!
You're right. It is beautiful.
Did you know that Rembrandt lived
with his parents well into his forties?
But of course you'd know that.
You're perfect.
How did you get that?
Why rob the penthouse... when
the mailroom's on the ground floor?
How did you know I took it?
There's only a handful of people
who can make the equipment you used.
And I know all ofthem.
- Someone was expecting that.
- Obviously.
- Mr Conrad Greene of Kuala Lumpur.
- Oh, God...!
What was it? A down payment?
A service this Mr Greene is providing?
Yeah, something like that.
What could you possibly
want to steal in Malaysia?
- Hm?
- A hundred million dollars.
What's the job?
Like the wise man said:
First we try, then we trust.