- For me?
- Well, it's certainly not for me.
Open it.
I thought you were probably a six,
but would look very nice as a four.
It's beautiful.
Believe it or not,
no-one's ever bought me a dress before.
Well, it comes out ofyour share.
I didn't get you anything.
- Not necessary.
- No, no. I want to.
I won't be long.
I'll be waiting!
Waverly lnsurance.
Hi, this is Virginia Baker.
Hector Cruz on a secure line, please.
Didn't I say something about
checking in every day?
I'm sorry, Hector, butl can't
just pick up my cellphone here.
- I've been worried about you. Where are you?
- I'm staying with Mac, at his castle.
- Spare me the details. Didhe take the bait?
- Yeah, big time. Andhe's got the Rembrandt.
Well...! Tilt bingo jackpot!
You wanna pick him up now?
- We've gothim forpossession, conspiracy...
- But I can catch him with his hand in the till.
- Grandlarceny, 25years to life.
- You thinkyou're up to that?
- Hector, lknowso.
- So give me the how and the when.
- Look, I'll callyou as soon as lknow, OK?
- Is that a promise?