motion was studied as an art form.
It flourished for several years,
producing some shots in films
which confirmed
its value as Art.
Then it disappeared,
apparently forever.
What was lef to fit?
A few traces,
mainly in films
by veterans of the silent era...
bits of experimental films,
science documentaries,
even B-movies.
The scenes were easy to spot.
Dialogue was ruled out.
Even music would have seemed
a bit kitsch,
a bit heavy,
a bit vulgar.
Our Hero always adored
these moments
when everything grinds to a halt.
The whole system goes out of joint,
portending a destiny,
not just a moment,
and affording
a rare glimpse of eternity.
Thinking back on May '68,
some people said
it was a wonderful time for them.
Chatting with strangers...
Everything seemed possible...
I believed them.