Eyes Wide Shut

Someone you know?
My. . .
. . .husband.
Don't you think
one of the charms of marriage. . .

. . .is that it makes deception
a necessity for both parties?

May l ask why a beautiful woman. . .
. . .who could have any man in this room,
wants to be married?

Why wouldn't she?
ls it as bad as that?
As good as that.
Do you know Nuala Windsor?
No, and it's very lovely
to meet you both.

How do you spell Nuala?
You don't remember me, do you?
You were very kind to me once.
Only once?
That sounds like a terrible oversight!

l was doing a photo session
in Rockefeller Plaza. . .

. . .on a very windy day. . .?
-And you got something in your eye.
-Just about half of Fifth Avenue.

You were such a gentleman!
You gave me your handkerchief. . .

. . .which was also clean.
That is the kind of hero
l can be sometimes.

You know why women used to get married,
don't you?

Why don't you tell me?
