The hysterical shouting
was in tongues,
like in
a Pentecostal church.
- Is that it?
- Stop!
When the fight
was over,
nothing was solved,
but nothing mattered.
Hey, cool.
Narrator: Afterwards,
we all felt saved.
Hey, man, how
about next week?
How about next month?
I hearyou.
Irwin, you're
in the middle.
New guy. You, too.
Narrator: Sometimes,
Tyler spoke for me.
He fell down
some stairs.
I fell down
some stairs.
Fight Club became the reason
to cutyour hair short
or trim your fi ngernails.
OK. Any
historical figure.
I'd fight Gandhi.
Good answer.
How aboutyou?
Big guy, big reach.
Skinny guys fight
till they're burger.
Hey. Even the Mona Lisa's
falling apart.
Marla: Where have
you been
the last 8 weeks?
[Chop Socky Yell]
How'd you fi nd me?
You left that
forwarding number.
I haven't seen you
in any support groups.
We split them up.
That was the idea,
Yeah, butyou haven't
been going toyours.
How doyou know?
I cheated.
I found a new one.
It's for men only.
Like the testicle thing?
Look, this is a bad time.
I've been going
to Debtors Anonymous.