This ain't your day.
What are you gonna do?
I don't know.
That's Wheeler's nephew.
He sent him down to get your answer.
Guess he's gonna sit
through the whole game if he has to.
Poor kid.
He doesn't even know
what he's doing here.
Throw the ball to the glove, son.
Just play catch.
Since you're throwing bullets,
I won't mention you were an hour late...
...and I've been trying to figure out who
my pitcher would be if you didn't show up.
Have I ever not showed?
I mean, in 19 years,
have I ever not showed?
That's true of everyone
till the first time they don't show.
Billy, I had an idea.
I've pretty much made up my mind,
but I wanted to run it by you first.
I want Jimmy to catch today.
I know how you feel about Gus but...
...he ain't hitting.
He ain't hit for a while now.