For Love of the Game

-Steve Boyer, Roy White.
-Would you mind?

You can't smoke in a bar.
What, now you can't talk in a bar?

This ain't church, lady.
-Tuttle back up to the plate.
-Two and two!

Same shit, different day?
I'd throw it at you again,
but I'm afraid Murdie'd run me.

-Strike three!
-Good breaking ball.

-Got him looking.
-Greatjob setting up the hitter.

Tuttle looks like a deer
caught in the headlights.

Chapeljelly-legged him.
So at the end of one,
Tigers nothing, Yankees nothing.

Here we go now. Four, five, six.
Let's get something started.

José, atta-baby. It's all about positioning.
You got to wait on this guy.
-Mike, can I have some water?
-Sure thing, Billy.

You all right?
You got it going good out there.
Make sure you save something.
Birch wants to play golf tomorrow.
You know, I played golf with Birch
the day I met Jane.

You doing all right?
I'm not hearing them at all out there.
Yeah, that'll fix it.
