-How come?
-'Cause summer's over and I missed it.
I work all the time. It makes me feel old.
I don't know.
Thanks again.
-What's the problem?
-My problem seems to be solved.
Oh, no.
Wait a sec. The car's fine.
Listen, honey. I gave up on four calls
hauling my ass out to you.
That's $100 to me,
so if nothing's wrong with this car now...
...there will be when I bring it down
to the city.
-Everything all right?
-Everything's peaches, mac.
You're Billy Chapel.
I can't believe it.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
I can't believe this.
I'm sorry.
You're the greatest freaking ballplayer
out there.
I'm sorry. But you really are.
I'm gonna go get that.
You stay right here, okay?
Billy Chapel.
Nice to meet you. Jane Aubrey.
You know, I got this problem.
I'd like to keep talking with you
but I got to...
...go to work.
Just a sec.
I'll get there when I get there.
-Can you do me a favor?
We got a bum deal on this rental here,
so if you could...
...if you could haul this back to town for us,
I'd really appreciate it.
I can't take that.
Wait a second. What are you doing?
-You like baseball?
-No, not really.
-You ever been?
Would you like to go?