No questions asked.
No worrying.
No obsessing.
That sounded perfect.
-Good night.
-Good night.
My back keeps breaking out.
Candy says it's gross.
Use the loofah.
The what?
The loofah. It exfoliates.
You're losing it over this girl.
I met this woman in New York.
I'm thinking of asking her down.
-Call her.
-No, it's not....
It's casual.
I've seen her a few times over the winter
in New York when I happened to be there.
Call her.
I'm having this problem with my skin peel.
-I was just thinking about you.
-What were you thinking?
I was wondering when you play
your first series against the Yankees.
-Come down here.
Come spend the weekend.
Meet my friends.
I don't know, Billy.
What do you mean, you don't know?
I've got a ton of work to do,
and I can't afford to be running off--