There's a little flare
just by Howell's glove into right field....
Here comes Sinski.
Colborn waved him to the plate.e
-The throw. He is in there!
-Safe! Safe!
And the Tigers take a 1-0 lead.e
What a great slide by Sinski,
sliding away from the play at the plate.
Jim Colborn, the third base coach,
didn't even hesitate.o
The catcher, the slowest guy on the team,
passes third in a scoreless game.n
No hesitation at all. Sent him all the way.
It's all bullshit, Billy. Don't listen to it.
You've done it all.
You've won every award there is to win.
You've got a room reserved
at Cooperstown, Billy.e
Ijust don't know how much more
you have to prove.o
And even ifyou do come back,
you're not gonna be 100 percent.
Billy, you may not even be 50.,
-What'd you say?
Let's knock off for today. Jane's here.
-What did you say?
You said "if."
-I didn't mean "if."
-But you said "if."
-I only meant that--
-You think I'm not coming back?
-Say it.
-You're tired. Let's quit for--
Say it, chickenshit.a
You got a job. That's to get me strong,
and get me back.
You get me back.D
I'll figure out how to win.
You want to work with me tomorrow,
you get your mind right.
You get it right,
or you don't come around me.i
-You mad at me or Mike?
-Why would I be mad at Mike??
You practically tore his head off.v
-Talk to me.
-Talk? You don't want to talk.
You just want to give me your version
of why I should quit.
-I want this shit out of here.
-What are you trying to do?p