[ Shouting ]
[ Man ] I really didn't want
a bachelor party in the first place.
I'll tell you why. lt's not
that l'm against tradition.
There's just something bizarre about
having a strange, naked woman...
dance around me while
my friends yell out,
''Go for it, Ben.
Last night of freedom, Ben. "
Last night of freedom
for what ?
Which is what I told
my best friend Alan.
I didn't want any strippers.
I didn't wanna get lucky.
l was lucky enough
just getting married.
- All right. Quiet !
- [ Shouting ]
Guys !
All right. l'm not payin' tor that.
lt already was chipped.
We're here to, uh, wish Ben
good luck and good riddance...
as he heads down
that rocky path to matrimony.
And, uh, hey, you know what.
Ben's dad Richard and his grandpa Max
are here. Where are you guys ?
Those guys-- Watch out.
You guys gotta pace yourselves.
Knowing Ben, l'd have
to say that he's probably,
- uh, one of the most loyal guys
that l've ever met,
- [ Man ] Like a dog !
- [ Man Barks ]
- and, uh, monogamous.
And so this is probably
gonna be the last time...
that you're gonna spend
in a room with your friends...
and a n-n-naked woman...
other than your wife, man !
So you can close your eyes
if you want to. Close 'em !
But then you're gonna be missin'
Juanita, the bull tamer !
[ Shouting ]
You don't have to do this.