Come on. Say something.
What are you feeling ?
Are you nervous ?
Are you happy ? Are you scared ?
Am l scared ?
What would I be scared ot ?
- l'm scared.
- You are ? Why ?
Now you're making me scared.
Because it's a big thing. lt's our
marriage. lt's the rest of our lives.
lt's-- lt's scary.
l know. l'm not scared.
- The only thing we have to tear--
- Yeah ?
- ls this video camera.
- Hey ! Come on ! Just say
a few words tor posterity.
[ Man ]
What, what, what
[ Man ]
What, what, what
- [ Horn Honking ]
- What, what
Follow me to the scene
Really ? You think
l can rent shoes down there ?
l can't believe
l forgot my shoes.
l hear they have shoes in Savannah now.
The whole South has 'em.
All right.
Wedding dress. Check.
Check tor the minister.
Valium tor Bridget's
mother. Check.
- Ball and chain for you. Check.
- Not listening to you. Check.
- Here, look. Here you go.
- Thanks.
This is your present, okay ?
lt's a book ot quotes.
I crossed out the ones l'm gonna
use in my toast. Listen.
"To say that you can love
one person all your lite...
is like saying that one candle will
continue to burn as long as you live.""
- Think about that for a minute.
- l will. That's profound.
This is used.
l forgot the rings.
That's not tunny.
No, don't do that.
[ Laughs ]
I torgot the rings, so--
Come on, man ! No !
Relax. l'll catch
the next plane.
Son ot a bitch !
l'll see ya in Savannah.
Hey, l need to go to the city.
- New York ! New York City !
- No, l can't.
Don't take
the Van Wyck though.
[ Wheels Squeaking ]