- You did ? You never told me that.
- l don't tell you everything.
You better, you old geezer.
lt seems like it worked out
pretty well tor both ot you.
Oh, we're not married.
We're having an atfair.
I'm happy for
the first time in 34 years.
- I don't believe this.
- [ Man ] l don't have any regrets.
My children are long gone,
and l gave my wite 30 taithtul years.
Until l met Ned,
I aIways was convinced...
that sex was some horrible obligation
God put on women...
like cramps or high heels.
For all those years,
she never experienced a genuine orgasm.
Could you watch my stutf ?
l'm gonna go pull
the emergency cord.
- Hi. How are you ?
- Hi.
- Truck.
- What do you have ?
A truck ? Can l see ?
Hey, hey, let me see your truck.
- Grab my nose. Oh !
- Grab nose.
- [ Giggles ]
- What are you doin' ?
What are you doin' ?
Slap me five. Slap me five.
- Five !
- Slap me tive.
Something's wrong.
He should have called by now.
He can take care ot himselt.
He's a grown man, isn't he ?
Daddy, what is it exactly
that you don't like about Ben,
besides the tact that he's from
New York and he voted tor Clinton ?
- That's not enough ?
- l voted for Clinton.
All the best presidents
sleep around.
- Help.
- [ Phone Rings ]
Hello ? Oh, hi, Steve.
- Ooh.
- [ Snaps Fingers ]
Oh, nothing, just, uh, you know,
staving oft a nervous break down.
Oh, well, thank you,
but l can't.
No. No, no, it does.
lt does sound like fun.
But quite trankly, a series ot
rabies shots sounds like tun...
compared to another evening
with these two.
Bridget, come watch the biography
of Newt with me. He's amazing !
He is not.
He's an imbecile.