Okay, Ben and Sarah.
- HoImes and Lewis.
- Just married.
Yes, l'm keeping my name.
What am l ? His slave ?
They missed their bus, so
l thought we'd give them a ride.
Actually, as it turns out,
they are looking for a place to live.
We were gonna stay with his
parents, but l can take that tor
a week betore l poke out my eye.
No otfense, honey,
but realIy, they're not human.
And guess what, everybody.
You're gonna love this. Ben is a doctor.
[ Applause ]
We came to the right bus.
Tell 'em what
your specialty is.
What's your
speciality, pooky ?
He's a surgeon. Yeah.
- Going to be.
- Going.
He's shy.
Brain surgeon.
That's why we're
relocating down to Miami.
Let's tace tacts. lt's like
one big emergency room down there.
No oftense. No otfense.
[ Man ]
Every day l get in the queue
Too much, magic bus
Get on the bus
It takes me to you
l'm so nervous
l just sit down and smile
Okay, one hour fiesta. A little taste
of Mexico, and you can drink the water.
Ben Holmes. [ Laughs ]
Sorry about the collect call.
l'll reimburse you when l get--
Okay. ls Bridget around ?
Uh-huh. She's out to lunch.
Okay. Who's Steve ?
- Come on.
- Yes.
Hyah, hyah, hyah.
Hyah, hyah,
hyah, hyah.
[ Spanish Accent ] You wanna go on
the spinning sombrero ride ?
- No, not really.
- Oh, come on.
Bunch of 70-year-olds
are going. Come on.
Sarah, there's two kinds
of people in lite.
The kind that look at the spinning
sombrero ride and think...
that there's maybe some
amusement to be had there...