Please ! They always are !
This is not good timing.
- You're supposed to be getting married.
- l know, Mom.
l want to know how, when you got
married, how you knew you were
the right ones for one another.
[ Whispers ]
l understand. Listen to me.
Ben, when l met your father, l had
an opportunity to marry Sam Wellman.
- Sam Wellman ?
- Shh ! Will you please ?
- Who is now a very
prominent businessman--
- He sells pooIs.
They're not even built-in.
They're the kind you blow up.
- Some are built-in.
- Even they leak.
lt's okay. You know what ?
lt's tine.
l was just curious,
but it's--
Dad, l appreciate it
it you could wire the money.
- l'll be down there
as soon as l can, okay ?
- Okay, kid. Take care, huh ?
Yeah. Bye-bye.
[ Sighs ]
- [ Water Bubbling ]
- Whoo ! Okay.
Okay, now, we're honeymooning.
All right.
But, l mean, it seems like
what you're saying, though,
is that marriage
itself is good.
Oh, you know, yeah-- You gotta remember
your parents were young once.
They went out dancing.
They made love
in the back seats of cars.
Then they got married and had kids,
and the kids, they slowly...
sucked the life
right out of them,
until all their passion,
all their visions of a life...
of great adventure are reduced
to hoping to be able...
to sit on a goddamned toilet
in peace !
Well, l'm gonna get
something to eat, Joe, so l--
Well, l'm gonna get
something to eat, Joe, so l--
- [ Alan ] l can't believe it !
- [ Debbie ] How weird !
- Ben ! Oh my God !
- Hey !
- What's going on ? Hey, Debbie.
- Hi !
- How are ya ?
- I'm good.
- What are you doing here ?
- What are you doing here ?
Uh, it's-- You would not believe
what happened to me.
Tell me about it. When they closed
La Guardia, l couldn't get a flight...
out ot Newark or J.F.K.,
but, uh, luckily, uh,
Debbie here
had a vehicIe.
Uh, well, there's a certain symmetry
there. Best man, maid ot honor.
- You know.
- Well, not really.
- This is Joe.
- Hi. Farrell.