Where's Mr. Jones?
I told you to send him right up here!
- Are you Mr. Jones?
- Yes.
Sit down, please.
- You mind a personal question?
- No.
- Are you married?
- No luck.
- Ever been in Europe?
- No.
What's your opinion
of the present European crisis, Mr. Jones?
What crisis?
I'm referring to
the impending war, Mr. Jones.
That. To tell you the truth,
I haven't given it much thought.
You don't keep up
with our foreign news, do you?
If you're gonna fire me,
you can scrap the intelligence test.
It's perfectly okay with me.
I can get a job on any newspaper in town
within an hour. So long.
Wait a minute. Nobody fired you.
How would you like to cover
the biggest story in the world today?
With an expense account,
I'll cover anything.
You'll get an expense account.
- Okay, what's the story?
- Europe.
I'm afraid I'm not exactly equipped,
but I could read up.
No reading up. I like you just as you are.
What Europe needs
is a fresh, unused mind.
- Foreign correspondent?
- No. Reporter.
I don't want correspondence. I want news.
- Can you dig up some news in Europe?
- I'll be happy to try, sir.
This is what I mean:
Mr. Van Meer, when questioned
by our oracle, Mr. Stebbins...
refused to open his mouth.
A 1,200-word cable told...
to the fact that
the great Van Meer had nothing to say.
Know what that's doing? It's driving
our readers crazy with frustration.
- Who's Van Meer?
- Keynote to the European situation today.
If Van Meer stays
at the helm of his country's affairs...
for the next three months,
it may mean peace in Europe.
If we knew what he was thinking
we'd know where Europe stands.
- German?
- No. Holland's strongman.
One of the two signers
of the Dutch treaty with Belgium.
Now, this is your first assignment.
I want you to talk with him...