There's an invitation to that lunch
for the Dutchman Van Meer tomorrow.
I guess that's your dish.
This is given by the Universal Peace Party.
That's Fisher's organization, right?
I don't know.
I don't follow those things very much.
New York wants it, I send it.
That's the secret of being a correspondent.
Been doing it 25 years.
Twenty-five years, and I end up on milk.
Good morning. How's the water wagon?
Look at that.
One of them shook off this morning.
I'm just on my way
to the Van Meer luncheon.
I'm lunching with old man Clark.
He's the International Press...
Here you are. I didn't know whether
to meet you in the grill or upstairs.
Goodbye, Stebbins. Goodbye, Miss Clark.
Who's he calling Clark? He's got his nerve.
Some fresh American reporter.
Good morning, Mr. Van Meer.
I beg your pardon, sir.
You are Mr. Van Meer, aren't you?
That's my name, yes.
I'm Haverstock. You don't know me.
I'm an American.
And I just happen to be
on my way to your luncheon.
- Then, perhaps...
- That's very kind of you, sir...
Come, come. It's all in a good cause.
Savoy Hotel.
- This is very kind of you.
- It's a pleasure, my boy.
I dislike riding alone.
One thinks too much while riding alone.
Yes, exactly. The Polish situation,
and the Dutch treaty with the Belgians...
must be on your mind
quite a lot these days.
What do you feel
that England will do in case the Nazis...
England is so beautiful.