Milords, ladies and gentlemen...
pray silence for your chairman...
Mr. Stephen Fisher.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I have an announcement to make...
which I'm sure will be
a great disappointment to us all.
I've just received this telegram
from Mr. Van Meer...
who was to have been
our guest of honor today.
"Deeply regret. Called away suddenly
owing to unforeseen circumstances.
"And I will be unable
to attend your meeting as planned.
"I am with you and your work
with all my heart.
"I could not have said more
had I been there."
Although this removes
one of our star attractions...
we may, as a result, have more time
to tell you from the inside...
just what this party has stood for
and why we've asked you here today.
I can think of no one
more competent to do this...
than the speaker I'm about to introduce.
I trust you won't think this a family affair...
when I say that I refer to my daughter
Miss Carol Fisher.
Milords, ladies and gentlemen...
pray silence for Miss Carol Fisher.
Ladies and gentlemen...
I trust, even making allowances
for a father's exuberance...
you do not think I'm in any way
being put forward today...
as a substitute for Mr. Van Meer.
Unhappily for us,
no one can take Mr. Van Meer's place.
What I can do possibly
is to clear up a few misapprehensions...
that have crept into
the public discussion of this movement...
and revise some of the epithets
that have been applied to us...
by some who have not gone
as deeply into the matter as they might.
The female of the species
is deadlier than the male.
...as a group of well-meaning amateurs.
Now, I'm sure there's some of you
here today who think of us as such.