He's trying to help avert a dreadful war...
and this is just the sort of thing
to discredit him.
I know you care nothing about our work.
All you're interested in is having fun
with windmills and bathrooms.
You don't believe I'm in trouble?
You'll be in lot of trouble
if you don't get out.
Now for the last time, please go.
Okay. But I want you to know exactly
what's going to happen when I do go.
I'll go back to my room
and try and shake those fellows off...
but I won't succeed.
They'll stick to me like a
couple of tattoo marks until they get me.
They'll stop at nothing. I seem to know
too much. And you're right.
I don't know much about
your crackpot peace movement...
I don't know what's wrong with Europe.
But I know a story when I see one.
I'll keep after it until either I get it
or it gets me.
Sorry you have those
derogatory opinions of me...
but I guess that can't be helped.
So long. It's been nice knowing you.
I said goodbye.
Don't go.
I guess I could have handled those fellows
with a little luck.
We mustnt take any chances.
We should get help.
That's what I had in mind.
- I'll get Dr. Williamson...
- Wait. They might not understand.
They have understood.
We could catch the night boat to England
if we could get out.
That's the hitch.
What's that friend's name, that "ff"?
- ffolliott.
- Get me Mr. ffolliott's room, please.
Left the hotel?
That's strange.
We were to dine together tonight.
- He realized how much I meant to you.
- You'd mean more with your clothes on.
You like the intellectual type.
- Say, I've got an idea.
- What?
Give me the manager, please.
Buzz for the valet.
Is this the manager?
This is Mr. Haverstock in 537.
What kind of hotel is this?
My bathtub leaks, phone's out of order,
and I've been robbed.