That cuts our love scene down
quite a bit, doesn't it?
- Do you mind?
- Not at all. It's made a new man of me.
I hope not entirely new.
It took me some time
to get used to the first man you were.
To be perfectly frank with you,
I expected a little more argument.
I'm really left with quite a few things
I very much wanted to say.
Save them until after we're married.
I imagine they'll sound better then.
I've saved things to say then, too.
You were really quite sure of yourself,
werent you?
I didn't think I had a chance.
A guy's got a right to dream, hasn't he?
Do you think your father will understand?
I think that Father
will be delighted, frankly.
All right, sir.
- Good morning, Miss Carol.
- Stiles, this is Mr. Haverstock.
- Is Father up yet?
- Yes, miss. He's having breakfast.
Come on.
- Hello, Father.
- What on earth are you doing in London?
Mr. Haverstock brought me back
on the boat.
- You're not ill? You look healthy.
- I'm fine. It's Mr. Haverstock.
I hope you don't mind my barging in.
On the contrary, I'm delighted to see you.
You cover a lot of territory, don't you?
You didn't even wire me.
For that I hope
your trip was uncomfortable.
It wasnt so bad.
The boat was crowded, we couldn't get
any cabins, but we slept on the deck.
Monsieur Krug, how nice to see you again.
But you haven't met
Mr. Haverstock, Monsieur Krug.
Monsieur Krug is a member
of the Baruvian embassy staff.
Sit down, Haverstock. Have breakfast.
I should tidy up, but I'm simply starved.
So you were in Amsterdam
yesterday, Mr. Haverstock.