Have you lost your mind
coming here?
You know Men-Tel is still
looking for us. They even want Danny.
I know that,
but they're vulnerable now.
Their oil is drying up,
their coal will be gone soon...
and without their power station,
Men-Tel has no power.
I know you've done more for the
resistance than anyone could ask...
but we need your help again.
Taking out that power plant
would be a big win for us.
What are you talking about?
You can't win.
They control everything
and everyone.
I told you this was a waste of time.
Let's get outta here.
- You have no right to even be here.
- No?
How long do you think it will be
before they find you here?
There where are you gonna hide?
It'll be dark soon.
May be you should go.
- You said we were done with the boat.
-Just get in.
I'd feel a whole lot better
if you were coming with us,John.
Yeah, me too.
How well do you know that woman?
We fought together in Mexico.
What if she's right?
What if Men-Tel finds us here?
We'll move again.
I don't want Danny to spend
his whole life running.
Come on.
Come on, Danny! Let's go!
Go, go!