Fortress 2

- You said "goddamn."
- Don't let it happen again.

- Or we'll report you.
- Report me?

Are you two sniffing paint up here?
You better sort your shit out fast.

Good as new.
Like taking candy from a baby.
Think. What if you're caught?
I don't have any choice here.
Teller's after my wife and son...
and he's going to get them
unless I get to them first.

Are you gonna help me or not?
Cover me up.
- Where's Brennick?
- Still packing.

- What are you looking at? Help her.
- Yes, sir.

I got it. Here we go.
- Watch it.
- Right this way.

Let's go.
- What was that?
- Pull it out.

- It's just--
- Pull it out!

Let's go!
Open it.
I said open it, goddamn it!

Oh. There it is. Sorry.
It's just my encoder.
Do we have a problem?
No, sir. No problem.
Miss Combs, doyou have any idea
what it costs...

to keep prisoners
just standing round idle?

113.5 credits per prisoner.
A rhetorical question, ZED.

You're welcome.
Just try to keep things moving.
