They wanted
the Commander.
- There he goes.
- Alexander, wait a minute.
Grab him ! Grab him !
- We want the crew ! We want the crew !
- Okay !
Yeah !
Here we go !
Come on, old friend.
Old friend.
You stole all my best lines.
You cut me out of episode two entirely.
- Excuse me.
- Tawny Madison--
my personal favorite--
- Gwen DeMarco !
Yeah !
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about !
Let's hear a warm welcome...
for crack gunner Laredo--
Tommy Webber !
- You will go out there !
- I won't,
and nothing you say
will make me.
- The show must go on.
- Freddie Kwan !
- Damn you.
Damn you. I won't say
that stupid line one more time.
Alexander Dane !
Yeah !
All right !
By Grabthar's hammer,
you shall be avenged !
Yeah !
All right !
That guy can act.
And finally,
my-- my fellow
the brave Commander
of the N.S.E.A. Protector,
Peter, Peter, Peter,
Peter, Peter,
Quincy, Quincy, Quincy, Quincy,
Taggart, Taggart, Taggart, Taggart--
- Jason Nesmith ! Yes !
We love you, Commander !
- Never give up, never--
Never surrender !
Damn the resonance cannons,
full speed ahead ! Huh ?
The Commander and his crew
will be signing autographs...
on Imperial decks "C" and "B"
near the Coke machines.
Whoo ! Quest forever, man !
Excuse me, pardon me.
Crew member coming through.