Oh. Mmm.
How are you enjoying
your steak, Commander ?
I'm really enjoying it.
This is like corn-fed lowa beef.
Yes. We programmed
the food synthesizer...
for each of you based on
the regional menu of your birthplace.
I don't care where
you did it. It tastes great !
Are you enjoying your
Kep-mok bloodticks, Dr. Lazarus ?
Just like Mother
used to make.
So, um--
Tell me, Mathesar.
This Sarris person
that we're flying to meet,
- what does he want, exactly ?
He heard about the device--
the Omega 13.
Um, what is it ?
What does it do ?
We don't know.
We were hoping
you could enlighten us.
The Omega 13 device.
We found that on an alien planet.
We don't know what it does either.
- Why don't you just turn it on
and see what it does ?
It has at its heart a reactor
capable of unthinkable energy.
If we were mistaken in our construction,
the device would...
act as a molecular explosive,
causing a chain reaction...