- Deception, lies.
- Deception, lies.
We have only recently
become aware of this concept
in our dealings with Sarris.
Often, Sarris will say one thing
and do another.
Promise us mercy,
but deliver destruction.
It is a concept we are beginning
to learn at some great costs.
But if you are saying that
any of you could have traits
in common with Sarris--
Hey, Commander, listen. We found
some beryllium on a nearby planet.
We might be able to get there...
if we reconfigure
the solar matrix...
in parallel
for endothermic propulsion.
What do you think ?
- We'll do that !
- All right !
right again.
That's-- C-C-Come on.
Group hug.
- Come on.
Dr. Lazarus, I hope
I am not breaching protocol,
but I am so very humbled
to stand in your presence.
I have studied your missions
Though I am Thermian, I have lived
my life by your philosophy,
by the code
of the Mak'tar.
- Oh, good, that's very nice.
- By Grabthar's hammer, Dr. Lazarus.
- Don't do that. I'm not kidding .
- I'm sorry, sir, I was just--
Just don't.
Yes, sir.
Never give up,
never surrender.
Dr. Lazarus ?
Here is your surface mapper. I have
programmed it to the coordinates...