Oh, hey !
Gorignack, Gorignack.
- Gorignak, Gorignak,
Gorignak, Gorignak.
Jason ? Jason,
can you hear me ?
- Yeah, Gwen, you got me.
- Thank God. Are you okay ?
Yeah. As a matter of fact,
I've got Gorignak staring me
in the face right now.
But you know what ?
I think I can take him.
Jason, we're gonna use the digital
conveyor to get you out of there.
- The digital conveyor ?
- Yeah.
You gonna have me diced into cubes
and sent up there in a million pieces ?
- Right.
- Well, you know what ?
I think I'll take my chances
with Gorignak.
We're getting you out right now.
It's perfectly safe, isn't it, Teb ?
It has never been
successfully tested.
- What did he say ?
- Hold, please.
Theoretically, the mechanism
is fully operational.
However, it was built to accommodate
your anatomy, not ours.
But now that Tech Sergeant Chen
is here, he can operate it.
It was designed watching his motions
from the historical documents.
I-I-I mean, I can't.
- I-I can supervise.
- Jason, we're gonna test it.
- On what ?
- How about that pig lizard ?
- Hey, I'm doing all right
with the pig lizard.
- Please, Fred. And hurry.
I'm sorry. It's very exciting
to watch the master at the controls.
The operation of the conveyor is
much more-- hmm-mmm-- art than science.
Stand back, Jason.
Gorignak, Gorignak,