Oh, darn.
Digitize me !
- Come on, Fred.
- Come on, guys, digitize me !
- Not me.
- Come on, they based it
on your hand movements.
- Am I the only one who saw
that thing inside out ?
- No, no, no, no.
I-I-I'm not the guy.
I'm not Tech Sergeant Chen.
Kwan's not even my real name.
Fred's no good, Jason.
You're just gonna have to kill it.
Kill it ? Well,
I'm open to any suggestions.
Go for the eyes,
like in episode 22 !
It doesn't have
any eyes, Tommy.
Go for the mouth or throat,
its vulnerable spots !
It's a rock.
It doesn't have any vulnerable spots !
I know ! You construct a weapon.
Look around you.
- Can you form some sort
of rudimentary lathe ?
- A lathe !
Get off the line, Guy ! Alexander,
you're my advisor. Advise me.
Well, you're just gonna have to
figure out what it wants.
What is its motivation ?
It's a rock monster.
It doesn't have motivation.
See, that's your problem, Jason.
You were never serious about the craft.
Oh ! Fred, can you hear me ?
Fred, are you there ?
- Kinda.
- You can do it, Fred. It's up to you.
Oh, no, no, no. Jason,
I'll just-- I'll just mess it up.
You did it for four years
on the show. Do it now.
That was the show.
I'm not that guy.
You never forgot a line.
You never missed a mark.
That's not me anymore, man.
It is you, Fred.
You just stopped trying .
You could do this, Fred. I know
in my heart, you're gonna save my life.
- I am ?
- No doubt about it, Fred.
Fred !
Fred, can you hear me ?
Fred !
Fred ?
I don't wanna die down here.