Take the clubs to the car.
If you want, we can have dinner together...
Another time.
I need you to do me a great favor.
You know that you can ask me anything.
- I'm so happy to see you. Do you need money?
- No.
They've broke in my house. They were many.
They were armed.
They have taken Maria...
...they make me see one
official from the army,..
...They told me they were taking her to
Police Station 23, but it's not true.
I've the right to know where she is,
if she needs me.
You knew that Maria was
into politics, right?
What's that have to do with anything?
They must tell me where she is!
- What politics have to do with this!
- And what can I do?
Look, Juan Carlos,
tell what to do,...
...tell me whom I must see,
and I'll will not bother you any longer.
Diana, didn't do anything,
she will be soon home.
Do you realize what are you saying to me?