Grey Owl

for the forest is argus-eyed. "
This is an Indian,
writing in a magazine?

You want to know something?
I'm not here just to hunt bear.
This fellow could be
a gold mine.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Something for the dancers?

Thank you very much, sir. Good evening.
Something for the dancers?

- Thank you, sir.
- Oh, I never pay till I see the goods.

How do I know if this war dance
of yours is authentic?

The more you pay,
the more authentic it gets.

- Terrific! Well done, boys.
- Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

We call that
"The Dance of the Dead Men. "

When the dance is done
and the drums fall silent,

we hurl ourselves
upon the hated white man...

and we kill.
But that costs extra.
Ladies and gentlemen,
mesdames et messieurs,

I hope you've enjoyed
our little show.

May I welcome you to dinner?
