(Grinding and smashing)
I can particularly recommend
this one.
- Which one?
- This page with all the wines.
It's a bit early for us.
What are you doing up, then?
Too early for wine, Eddie.
Go and help Chef.
Help Chef? But you know
Chef and I don't get on.
This is an emergency -
I'll do Pascal's job out here,
you do Pascal's job in there, OK?
Now, what would you like?
(Banging and shouting)
(Banging and crashing stops)
Now, then. What would you like?
Chef's hurt himself.
How badly?
lndescribably badly. He hit his head
on a frying pan 17 times.
(Eddie screams)
- You cook.
- I can't.
- Nor could Chef.
- Right.
- Now, then...
- (Banging)
(Sighs) How can I help you?
Where are your eggs from?
Hen's vaginas.
We'd like two
full English breakfasts,
freshly squeezed orange juice,
coffee for one - ground not instant -
tea for one,
lightly toasted wholemeal bread,
and don't overcook the kidneys.
Boiled egg as usual, Mrs Foxfur?
Oh, yes, please.
Thought so.
Excuse me, I'll deal
with important guests first.