Er, no, no. He's the third twin.
Yes, that's who he is. I'll get him
to come round this afternoon.
No, I'll get him
to come round right now.
- Yes, but I... I think I...
- No trouble, Mrs Foxfur.
Come along. Up to your room.
Come on, come on!
Right, I'll be...
HE'LL be along in a moment.
Come on! Come on!
Get me a doctor's coat,
some pliers and a hammer.
And your glasses as a disguise.
How do I look?
I don't know, I can't see.
Edward, have you been taking drugs?
Well, never mind depravity.
Let's kick the old bint's teeth out.
(Horns honking)
You're sure this is the right place?
- lt doesn't look nice.
- There's a nuclear power station.
Times are hard and this is
the cheapest hotel in Britain.
Let's make the best of it.
Come on, we're on holiday! Hooray.
- Oh! Oh!
- Go on! Drink it, you bitch!
Good, that should've
loosened them up.
Eddie, get the croquet mallet while
I do some preliminary bridgework.
(Bell dings)
Quick, Eddie, put your fingerprints
all over this hammer.
Dr Twat, is that you?