Er, yes.
Have you completed
the root canal work?
- (Bell dings)
- Er, yes.
That's looking macfine.
I'll pop back in a week and give ye a
wee check-up. Come on, let's scarper!
(Dings bell)
(Dings bell)
Good morning,
good morning, good morning!
We were beginning to think
nobody was here.
lt looked like the Marie Celeste.
(Forced laughter)
How amusing! Ha ha! Oh, ha ha ha!
(Continues to laugh)
Now, what can I do for you?
Well, we were wondering...
(Laughs again)
(Straining to laugh)
I'm sorry, I was just remembering.
I must write that one down.
Ha ha ha! lmplying that we run
the kind of hotel where...
nobody wants to stay.
Right, well, we were wondering
if you had any rooms.
Yes, we'd like two rooms, adjoining.
With a sea view, please.
Gosh, you're quite forthright,
aren't you, in your demands?