Everything's gone completely numb.
You lucky bastard.
Good morning,
I'm looking for Mr Twat.
Have you tried reception?
Yes, but he isn't there. The strange
midget said he was in the lounge.
Well, I'm sure if we wait here
he'll turn up.
Charming part of the country.
(Board creaks, then gas hisses)
Does it rain a lot around here?
More or less continuously, yes.
Oh, well.
Good for the flowers, I suppose.
Still quite warm, though.
Look, something tells me
I can trust you.
You see, the thing is...
(Board creaks, then gas hisses)
The thing is...
I am Gina Carbonara.
Gina Carbonara,
the famous ltalian film star
and love object.
Cor, blimey, wait till Richie
hears about this!
The truth is, I've had a little
bother lately with...
one thing and another,