Love is such a fickle thing,
don't you think?
What? Oh, love.
Oh, yes, love.
Oh, lumme! Love!
H-how very well put.
How very amusing. Ha ha ha ha...
How soi-disant... Ah! Uh!
Yes, it's such...
Oh...he's gone.
Ooh, it's cold in here.
(Horn honks)
Bloody road protesters!
Save the B157!
Marvellous, Eddie!
Look! Fish for supper!
We're saved! Ha ha ha!
(Whistling happily)
Have you had enough time
to read the menu, Mrs Foxfur?
Well, I think I'lI have the fish.
Oh, good. Wise choice.
So everyone's having fish, then.
I don't like this fish.
You'll eat it.
You're a minor, you have no rights
and I'll happily call the police!
For what the Lord has provided
let us be truly F-ing thankful.