(Richie) What do you
think you're doing?
I wanted you. Some underwear
has gone missing from our room.
Really? And what sort
of UNDERWEAR was it?
Uh, well...
They were crotchless
rubber panties, actually!
You're quite sure
they were crotchless?
Yes, and a rubber bra
is missing as well.
Hey, Rich, look at this bloke
in spiky underwear!
ls it...? ls it you?
- Put that back on!
- No.
It's broken.
- And there's no other machine?
- No. Afraid not.
Well, I'll just show this tape
to the police in the morning.
Hey, Rich...
What are we gonna do?
We'll just bide our time, Eddie.
We'll just bide our time.
Can you take your hand off my penis?
Hmm? Oh, sorry.
(Eddie) Whoo-oo-oo-oo!
Will you stop making
those owl noises!
- Sorry.
- Right. Now follow me.