ls she out of money?
No, it's quite simple.
l have to tell you the truth.
For the sake of Ruth's
and our old friendship.
Oh, what's that taken on?
That's very exotic. Hmm?
- On my Olympus.
- That's interesting.
Mine's a Minolta.
ls yours an auto flash job?
What am l looking at here, Prue?
Who are these people
in the photo?
That's Ruth.
My God, l didn't realise.
Gilbert, it's Ruth.
Yeah, l can see that now. She's
wearing the national costume.
l'd never have recognised her.
l know.
ls something wrong?
Tell me, l want to know.
We were just like everyone else
travelling in lndia.
We wanted to visit a live guru.
'We weren't serious about it.
'She thought
it would be a good laugh.
'lt was so scary. Some sort
of freaky hypnotism happened.
'l think they were on drugs.
'She even burnt her airline
ticket in front of me.
'That's when l asked her,
''ls it true what they said?
'''That Baba might marry you?'''
No, thank you, mate. No,
thank you. No, mate. Thank you.
No, no. Say no, Ruth! Say no!
Say no, Ruth. Stop him!
Ruthy, stop him!