- l'll take you to him.
- lt's for your own good.
No, thanks. Where's Mum?
You want your mummy
now. Not so tough, eh?
You've met your match in him,
girlie. He'll sort you out.
He's a great guy, sis. He's
experienced in religion and all.
Three days, just listen to him.
Get round her, get round her.
You fucking lying shit!
You lying shit! l hate you!
- Let go. Let go.
- Behave yourself.
Tim. Timmy.
Timmy, let me talk to you
and Mum, please.
Tim, please, Tim.
Please! Please, Timmy, please!
'Please! Please! Timmy!'
Come on, walk over.
Oh, God!
'He's not there?
'No other back-ups,
nobody else?'
Phone's out of range.
lt doesn't work.
Look at this.
lt's a gift, see?
She's coming towards me.
We're on step one.
This could be over in 12 hours.
- What about your lady friend?
- l need someone now.
But there isn't anyone.
l've tried the Rabbi, l've left
several messages, nothing.
- What do we do? Let her go?
- Yeah.
Three little steps, Stan.
But you don't want to fall.
you're the expert.'