Holy Smoke

''The soul takes nothing
to the other world

''but her education and culture.''
So, let's get to the facts.
What are you doing
with your soul?

What does Chidaatma Baba
teach you?

What's the point
of my telling you?

You already have an opinion.
l wanna know what you know.
Something has touched you,
hasn't it?

To find out that, you'd have
to look into my heart.

Way beyond something you can
read in a book and quote.

lt is. lt is. lt is.
That's his teaching.

And that's what he said?
His words? lt is.
His words.
''He alone attains unto it
who exclaims 'lt is! lt is!'

''Thus may it be perceived
and apprehended in its essence.''

The Upanishad.
The Upanishad, Ruth.
An ancient Hindu text.

Feel with your heart,
but check your facts.

l want my shoes back.
No. You agreed to stay and l'm
going to make it easy for you.

You can't stand the fact
that l've got faith, can you?

Cos you're so frightened
and dried up.

But feeling...just trusting
your heart...is beyond you.

l get strength like...like you
can't imagine from my choice.

That's what we're here
to examine -

the meaning of the word ''choice''
and whether you had one or not.
