You're dishonest.
You want to sleep with me,
don't you?
Not all touch is desire.
l'm going to be sick.
You're so busy imagining
how everyone is desiring you.
You're one of the most
ungenerous people l've ever met.
l don't think you could actually
entwine with another person
on account of you're having
to maybe give something back.
- You don't know that.
- l don't want to.
You broke our contract.
l don't honour contracts
with the devil.
l'm a regular person
and you know it.
Now put these stones back,
l have had deep relationships.
'Day 2 ends
with screening the cult videos.
'The cracks widen,
the client falls apart.
'Bye bye, Baba.'
You look wonderful, darling.
Pink really suits you.
- Doesn't it, Gilbert?
- Yes. Would you like a drink?