Oh, l want to go home.
You're out of control.
You didn't seem to mind
last night.
Oh, come on...come on,
it's over.
You fucked up.
No, it's not over.
For one, you're drunk,
and two we're still in the cave.
Ooh, spooky!
lt's a much darker,
deeper cave than last night.
All right, l'll admit it.
ln lndia, l was influenced
by processes beyond my control.
Ta-dah! Happy?
Are you?
What about you?
You're playing with me, Ruth.
What do you like about me?
My personality or my breasts?
All right, Ruth.
Right now, l like your breasts.
lt's just the way it is.
You can't stop me having sexual
thoughts about you.