'Dear PJ...
'My dad finally did run off
with his secretary.
'So, Mum came back
to lndia with me.
'And we work at the Animal Help
and Suffering in Jaipur.
'l'm still chasing the truth.
'l've read the complete
Bhagavad Gita.
'Oh...l've got a boyfriend.
'He's a little jealous of you.
'l don't know why l love you...
'but l do.
'From afar.
'Something... Something really
did happen didn't it?
'Dear Ruth..
'Thank you.
'lt was good
to get your card and news.
'What about this?
'Carol and l are the proud
parents of twins.
'She's forgiven me.
'Patched me up,
chewed me out, nursed me.