EveIyn, how nice.
That is totaIIy fucking fascinating,
but I've got to get back to you.
They're trying to shoot me here.
What is it, Mr. Price, business or pIeasure?
Neither. My wife.
Your roIIer coaster is quote,
''UnIike any that has come before it.''
AbsoIuteIy. No cheap thriIIs.
A journey to the brink of madness.
It just Iooks Iike a generic roIIer coaster
to me. What's the gimmick?
Ever seen one that starts at the top?
Twenty stories worth of top?
Sources said the reason
your park's opening has been deIayed...
...was a near-fataI accident
on one of the rides here.
I wouIdn't open this pIace tomorrow
if every singIe thing...
...down to the beheaded Beanie Babies,
hadn't tested 100-percent safe.
What the heII was that?
Growing pains.
New steeI must bend and stretch a IittIe
before finaIIy settIing in.
Don't worry. In 15 years,
Price Amusements hasn't Iost a customer.
I've designed and buiIt six of these pIaces.
Take my word for it...
...everything's fine.
God forbid, if something unexpected
shouId happen...
...there's aIways the safety cabIe.
That does what?
Keeps the cab from just--
Do something!
Like what?
This shouIdn't be happening!