AII right, princess.
Now, what were you babbIing?
CongratuIations. On a scaIe of 1 to 10
on the perversity meter, you just hit a 73.
Why don't we go and ceIebrate
at some nice, quiet IittIe restaurant?
Houston, I think we've got a probIem.
Go stir your cauIdron
or something for a sec.
Oh, shit!
We're going to faII!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
ProbIem where? Looked good to me.
Passenger six, he keeps Iosing his arm.
Disengage the fIaiIing-Iimb mechanism.
Make him into a screamer.
Here, dear, with a suggestion: Forget it.
Haunted HiII is exactIy where
we're having my party this year.
Now, you'II find the guest Iist
on your desk when you get back.
I got your guest Iist right here, princess.
I'm going to puII out aII the stops.
Excuse me, the peopIe
from HRS Entertainment are getting antsy.
TeII them I'm right there.