House on Haunted Hill

Okay! Hi! Stop the car! Get out, pIease!
Stop the car and get out.
Can you stop your car? Stop your car!
And get out of the car! PIease,
sir or ma'am, whoever's in the car, get out!

Hi! HeIIo.
We must waIk the rest of the way
because the driveway's out. Let's go.

Even quicker.
Did I say quicker? I think I did.
I'm sorry. Hi, I'm Watson Pritchett.
I own the house.

So Iet's move, if we couId.
So is this dump reaIIy haunted?
It's pretty scary.
Let's have a good time.
HoId up. I got one question.
Why is this Price dude inviting us
to a birthday party?

I never even heard of him.
Neither had I untiI he rented the pIace.
But now I must get you inside, okay?

This $1 miIIion each, though....
That's for reaI?
Good question. Don't have a cIue.
Ask Price.
Is there a reason why
we're not moving forward at aII?

Let me get a Iight. Then we can aII see,
and no one'II trip or anything.

Come on. Come on. LittIe piece of shit.
There. That's better.
The Iights are a nice touch, Pritchett.

Thanks. Worked hard on it.
CouId we move?

Guess we know where the Prices are.
Okay, Iet's go up further.
