WeII, my grandfather did buiId the pIace...
...but he actuaIIy died in his sIeep in Miami.
My father was kiIIed here.
But that was during a construction
accident whiIe he was restoring interiors.
But I'm fine and...
...I'm stiII aIive, and I feeI good...
...and I'd Iove to get paid now.
And on that mercenary note,
Iet the games begin.
CaII me cIairvoyant,
but haven't they aIready?
Finding that out is just one
of tonight's many amusements.
Sure is a funky oId house, ain't it?
Let's have a word, sugarpuss.
I think we ought to have severaI.
This'II take a moment. You'II find food
and booze in the main saIon.
Knock yourseIves out.
I gave you a guest list two pages long.
Where the hell are they?
Shredded. Sorry.
Decided to whip up one of my own.
A group so hungry for money
they'd be wiIIing to do anything.
I thought you'd be more comfortabIe
with your peers.
How stupid of me not to expect something
this twisted from you.
''Congratu-fucking-Iations.'' Round one...
...you win.
Not quite. See, those peopIe down there...
...they're not the ones I invited.
-Then who are they?
-You teII me.
I don't know how you managed
to hack into my computer, but...
Come on. You think I'd invite
that bunch of sociaI rejects?
Sure know it wasn't me,
and if it wasn't you...
...then who the heII did? Ghosts?
Ooh, spooky.
If you reaIIy Ioved me, you'd find a way
to drop dead in the next three seconds.