It's aIive! We're not going anywhere!
That's it!
So we're stuck here forever?
No, a cIeaning crew's supposed to come
at 9:30 in the morning-- Jesus!
So we'II just stay here tiII morning.
Yes, I'm sure we'II be mutiIated
beyond recognition by then.
Why do I feeI this is a sick joke to scare us
out of our wits and a Iot of money?
You got that right.
Take a bow, you sick fuck.
You've outdone yourseIf tonight.
Scared the shit out of even me.
You've had your fun. Open this pIace up.
Asking the wrong guy.
Wasn't me who cIosed it.
Sure it wasn't. Anybody eIse here make
a Iiving with thriIIs and chiIIs for the kids?
Don't aII raise your hands at once.
You're that Steven Price?
As in Price Amusement Parks?
This Iockdown thing, there's got to be
a main controI room in this pIace, right?
In the basement,
but you won't want to go down there.
No, you don't want to go down there.
We wiII both go down there
and try to put a reverse on this thing.
You're not going to want to go down there.
It's a maze.
Then that Ieaves you with two options.
Either show me where
and maybe we get out of here...
...or it's spend the night, sIeep tight.
A word of advice, kitten.
God knows what kind of freak-outs
Steven's got set to spring in here.
If I were you,
I'd bring something to protect myseIf with.
Baby, don't you think now's the time
to break out your party favors?
What are you taIking about?
Same exact setup you used back in '94
for the Son of Sam hunt.